You Have a Story

Today we have the lovely pleasure of having Martha Stainsby as a guest post on Belong! Martha writes at Leaving Perfect Learning Grace about her journey with an eating disorder and how she's finally found freedom and grace. You'll want to get to know this amazing young woman and the power she holds as she shares her story!

you have a story

I never meant to be a blogger.

I never sat down and thought I could write something that would resonate with others.

I never thought of myself as a writer. I was always a reader.

I love books like some people love the sunshine; I cannot get enough. I have always had a book under my arm, not a pen in my hand. I crave stories and the words in them; I majored in English because I love literature not writing. In fact, for nearly all of my education years, I hated writing. I hated essays. I hated papers. Ask me to read a book and I would do it in a night. Ask me to write anything and I would sit on it for as long as possible.

However, the older I’ve become the more I have come to see that we all have a story. We each have a  story unique from anyone else’s and if we are brave enough to tell our story, others might share theirs too. And when we share our stories we might realize that we have a friend who understands us and can help share in our burdens.

Recently, I have struggled with the idea of myself as a blogger. It is no secret that I love social media. While I recognize that there are definite downsides to the use of social media, I will always love it. I love the inspiration that can be found, the relationships that can be built, the companionship that can be shared and the storytelling that can be told. I have benefitted from each and every one of these aspects.

I follow some of the most creative bloggers, photographers and activists on social media. Nevertheless, while I love seeing their posts, on my bad days I cannot help but compare. Now, my friends, I have learned that the comparison is the thief of joy. So, when the lies tell me that I am simply MK: no fancy company, too young, a nobody… the truth tells me that I am MK: there is no one like me... I have a story and I am the only one who can tell my story. I am supposed to share my story - and so are you.

On the days when I struggle with whether I am a true blogger or even more with whether I am a true writer—a true creative, I tell myself that YES I am!

Because, to me, a writer tells a story and that is exactly what I am doing. I am telling my story. I am a writer. I never imagined I would be, but I am. Only you can tell your story, so tell it. Write your story.

Sharing your story though, through art, writing, music or whatever outlet you choose is hard. I don’t believe it is a split second decision. I believe it takes thought and courage. Being creative and sharing your gifts with the world means putting yourself out there to receive critique. It means opening yourself up, being vulnerable and sharing a piece of who you are. It means sometimes sharing raw and honest emotion. But sharing your gifts and sharing your heart, no matter how hard it may be, is so worth it.

I hope that you take time to think about how you want to tell your story and then share it with the world! Your story will always be a story worth telling.

Thank you again, Martha! Make sure to go follow along at Martha's blog  - leaving perfect learning grace


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