She Threw Up On My Porch (Metaphorically Speaking)

That's what I thought when I unpackaged the 6 foot x 4 foot package that the UPS man had to drag carefully to my front door--she threw up kindness and love on my front porch! In the mode of 14 canvases! All just to encourage me! This person I don't even know in real life (Kristy at Canvas HQ). We'd exchanged a few emails and some texts. She had been a total blessing with her words, but this?!?!


A couple of months ago, I had a terrible horrible very bad few days. My anxiety was off the charts, and I didn't know if I had it in me to keep Belong going. I was out of my mind with fear and frustrated because, let's be honest, I really don't know what I'm doing. 

But then this happened.

This lovely woman, whom I have never met, felt inclined to do something to encourage me. I don't think she will ever know the affect that her kindness had on me. I unpacked canvas after canvas with disbelief, tears and an overflowing heart. Quotes from the Belong instagram feed such as "let go," "always be a work in progress," "just be you," "you are enough," "you belong," the mission of belong and a list of words that my lovely friend felt described what Belong is about were all sitting in front of me. These words that I had put out into the abyss were physically before me, speaking words that I needed to hear. 

And not just that!

She made the heart of Belong a reality--she connected us in a life-giving way. And she demonstrated how this amazing community of women are supporting one another in concrete ways--not always physical like these canvases, but by words and acts of kindness. It makes all the difference. You never know when you've talked someone off the entrepreneurial ledge or encouraged them through a killer day. 

And there was this one: Free to fail. A reminder that failures, big and small, are part of the process. When you stop making mistakes, you've stopped trying. So I am going to keep going. I am going to be free to fail--I'm going to make mistakes, I'm going to own them, and I'm going to move on. I'm going to use my experiences to encourage other women, reminding them that it is progress over perfection, that no one has it all figured out.

And that's okay.

Even as I read this post, I feel bad as I am just not doing this incredible gift justice--I cannot find the words. But my heart was and is bursting, and I want to share this love and this encouragement with you. 

Since the instagram post I shared of the canvases on my front porch, I've had inquiries as to where they can be acquired. Lucky for you and the help of my sweet, online friend, it's easy! They are now available right here on our site! 

Here are the current selections. Standard size is 16" x 16" x 1.5" but can be made larger as well. If you don't find a quote or size you are looking for, just shoot us an email and we'll do a custom order for you. 

Also in the shop: